Season 1

Episode 1: Luffy and Red-Haired’s Daughter Uta!
A young Luffy who has been dreaming about getting out of Windmill Village one day to accomplish something great meets a young girl named Uta.

Episode 2: A Pledge for the New Genesis! Luffy and Uta!
Luffy and Uta run across Windmill Village, compete with each other, and share their dreams with each other.

Episode 3: The Captain’s Log of the Legend!
As the world anticipates the legendary diva Uta’s show in Elegia, the Red-Hair Pirates are making some disturbing moves.

Episode 4:Nami Screams - A Deadly Death Race!
Nami, Usopp, and Tama are running from Page One to get to the Performance Floor, but they bump into another tough enemy, Big Mom.

Episode 5:The Dawn of the Land of Wano
Kin’emon and the Akazaya members are rushing to help Momonosuke and everyone else while Yamato leaves Momonosuke and Shinobu in a hide-out to lure away their enemies.

Episode 6: The Conclusion!
Sanji is forced to run with Zoro on his shoulder. Meanwhile, Nami bravely stands up against Ulti and Big Mom.

Episode 7: Luffy, Defeated!
Luffy is pushed off the rooftop by Kaido.

Episode 8:The End of the Kozuki Clan!
While the Straw Hats and their allies are all having a hard time, they are shocked by the news that Luffy lost to Kaido.